Jumat, 21 September 2007

ann about AW surveys

after works, i log in in internet and start looking for some stuff . when i seeking some news about surveys and others, i surprised about this news.... check this out

I go to the AWSurveys site, quickly sign up as I see the referral rate is $1.25/referral, and when owning a large site such as AdverCash, I think "Goldmine". I then proceed to fill out my information(all of which is 100% legitimate). After reading over the Terms Of Service, finding nothing that could harm me(except the fact that they prune "inactive" referrals), I register.

I refer a few friends and see that it really does give $1.25/referral. Before I add the site to AdverCash I go to double check the Terms Of Service. Oh no! It says "You may not pay users to sign up or view our website (These websites are generally referred to as PTC and we do not allow this kind of advertising unless approved by AWSuveys).". Desregarding the simple spelling error of 'AWSurveys', I immediately mail the administration to see if AdverCash will be allowed to gain the benefits of AWSurveys.

After a day or two of waiting on the support system(kind of slow), I receive a message back. Simply stating that normally they don't like sites of this nature to post the referral link. But they would allow it this time because they "liked our site".

Excellent! I put the ad up on AdverCash, and quickly gain referrals. As the weeks pass, I get enough referrals to have a $500 payout! I go to withdraw, set my amount to $500($475 with the paypal "Service Fee"). After 6 business days pass, I wonder, are they just going to ignore my withdrawal? Usually they at least say your account is fraudulant in some way. At least, that is what others had told me. Regretfully, I ignored their queries and put a link up anyways.

With no payment arriving on my paypal account, I check my email. At last! A message from AWSurveys! I click the e-mail, scan over it quickly, and notice the word "fraudulant". Hmmm...? What's this? I read over it again(more in depth this time), only to find that apparently our account was fraudulant because we were a PTC. That was the whole reason I mailed them, to see if I was allowed, and they had said I was.

Mailing them back, they asked me for the email that I had sent to them assuring that I was allowed. I did not remember to keep a copy... hell, I figured they would just flag my account so that they would remember that they agreed to it, but apparently they didn't keep tabs of it, and were just planning on overlooking it. Don't you think if you agreed to such a thing, you would write it down, mark the account, or do SOMETHING so that you would remember?

Well, I asked them if maybe they had a copy of the message, or if they marked my account(as most any other site would do). No response so far, and honestly, I don't expect one. It has been quite a few days. Before that they were replying within like 2-3 hours. Now it's a few days. I'm done with AWSurveys, and this is my warning to all.

From what I've read, there are a few people who have been paid from AWSurveys. Which is great, congratulations! But, the other 90%(our estimate) of users have said they reached payout, attempted payout, and got flagged for "fraudulant activities". I find it very unlikely that 90%(our estimate) of all people that attempt payout are "fraudulant".
i'm verry disapointed coz i already made an $56 on that surveys, so i just announce for you all, this survey is really scam~!!!!!!!

Kamis, 13 September 2007

egold has kicked by adsense on adword

Dear AdWords Advertiser,

We are writing to inform you of a change to Google’s advertising policies that may affect your AdWords account.

In the coming weeks, we will no longer accept AdWords ads that promote e-gold.

Ads and websites are also not accepted for related content which includes, but is not limited to, e-gold exchange, e-gold investment, and e-gold accounts.

When we make this change, Google will suspend all ads identified as being in violation of this policy. If your account is affected by this policy change, please remove any e-gold content from your ad text and website. Current e-gold advertisers are encouraged to instead advertise other products or services that comply with our policies.

As a business, Google must make decisions regarding the advertising that we accept. We apologize for any inconvenience this policy change may cause you.


The Google AdWords Team

** As noted in our advertising Terms and Conditions, Google may refuse any ads or terminate ad campaigns at any time, for any reason. Please note that the decisions we make concerning advertising in no way affect the search results we deliver. Google offers broad access to content across the web without censoring search results.

Sabtu, 18 Agustus 2007

agloco rocks...!!!!!

Are you getting paid for watching advertisement on TV? No... Are you getting paid for reading advertisement on the newspapers? No..

Companies around the world are spending billions of dollars to have their products and services advertised on TV, radio and Newspapers. We, the readers, do not get paid a cent when we watch or read the ads.

Do you want to make money with your computer? Do you want to get paid watching the advertisement on your computer? If the answer is yes, click the banner below.

Membership is ablsolutely FREE and you could make $1,000s every month depending on your effort. By becoming a member of AGLOCO, you will be able to download a Viewbar on which the advertisement is presented to you. You only need to turn on the Viewbar for 5 hours a MONTH, and you will get paid.
To maximize your earning, you can introduce Agloco to you friends/families and you will be rewarded 25% of what they earn and this referral system is 5 level deep. What does it mean? It means it is so much easier to recruit and build your network, and build your wealth!
So...what are you waiting for??? If you are really serious to make money online, you should act now. Click the banner below to register for FREE and start building your own network.

when you ignore it you just neglect the surest way of Making Money Online. And it will be so expensive in your part because you lost the great opportunity that is being offered to you for free.